I Used to Be a Batman, but Now I’m Just a Morning Person

Why do I wake up at three forty-five, and live by Pomodoro Technique

Nitin Dangwal
8 min readNov 9, 2023


Three forty-five am.

That’s when I wake up, every day. When I do not, five minutes later the alarm on my iPhone nudges me awake anyway. But that rarely happens now as most of the time I am awake before the alarm rings.

After nine months of waking up at this time, it’s now my habit. Doesn’t matter if I had slept late last night, doesn’t matter if there had been a party and I am waking up with a hangover, doesn’t matter if it is cold and the bed is enticingly warm, and sleep’s warm fingers are pulling down my eyelids with the sweet promise of a honeyed sleep — doesn’t matter anything, I drag myself out of the bed. Period. Getting up at this pre-dawn hour is now my second nature. It is as good as a religious practice to me.

After I skip the day’s alarm I don’t look at my phone for a second more. For I know how innocuous looking at the notifications can seem at first; and ‘just spending five minutes’ of browsing on Instagram can end up butchering one full hour. So I put the phone on focus mode (I can’t ditch the phone; it has a role to play) and step into my study.



Nitin Dangwal

Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life